Source code for exporters.python_interpreter

import six
import ast

from .exceptions import InvalidExpression

[docs]def create_context(**kwargs): import datetime import re import itertools import calendar import math import random context = dict(kwargs) context.update( dict( datetime=datetime, re=re, itertools=itertools, calendar=calendar, math=math, random=random, ), ) return context
[docs]class Interpreter(object): ast_allowed_nodes = ( 'keyword', 'expr', 'name', 'load', 'call', 'store', 'str', 'unicode', 'num', 'list', 'dict', 'set', 'tuple', # Data types 'unaryop', 'usub', # Unary arithmetic operators # Binary arithmetic operators 'binop', 'add', 'sub', 'div', 'mult', 'mod', 'pow', 'floordiv', 'compare', 'eq', 'noteq', 'gt', 'lt', 'gte', 'lte', # Comparison operators 'bitand', 'bitor', 'bitxor', 'invert', 'lshift', 'rshift', # Bitwise operators 'boolop', 'and', 'or', 'not', # Logical operators 'in', 'notin', # Membership operators 'is', 'isnot', # Identity operators 'ifexp', # Inline if statement 'subscript', 'index', 'slice', 'extslice', # Subscripting 'listcomp', 'setcomp', 'dictcomp', 'generatorexp', 'comprehension', # Comprehensions 'attribute', # Attribute access ) allowed_objects = ( str, unicode, # strings int, float, long, complex, # numbers list, dict, set, tuple, # sequences type(None), bool # others )
[docs] def check(self, expression): if not isinstance(expression, six.string_types): raise InvalidExpression('Python expressions must be defined as strings') if not expression: raise InvalidExpression('Empty python expression') try: tree = ast.parse(expression) except SyntaxError as e: raise e if not tree.body: raise InvalidExpression('Empty python expression') elif len(tree.body) > 1: raise InvalidExpression('Python expressions must be a single line expression') start_node = tree.body[0] if not isinstance(start_node, ast.Expr): raise InvalidExpression("Python string must be an expression: '%s' found" % start_node.__class__.__name__) self._check_node(start_node)
[docs] def eval(self, expression, context=None, check=True): if check: self.check(expression) return eval(expression, context)
def _check_node(self, node): if isinstance(node, list): self._check_node_list(node) elif isinstance(node, ast.AST): if not self._is_allowed_ast_node(node): self._raise_not_allowed_node(node) self._check_node_fields(node) elif not isinstance(node, self.allowed_objects): self._raise_not_allowed_node(node) def _check_node_list(self, node_list): for node in node_list: self._check_node(node) def _check_node_fields(self, node): for field in [f for _, f in ast.iter_fields(node)]: self._check_node(field) def _is_allowed_ast_node(self, node): return node.__class__.__name__.lower() in self.ast_allowed_nodes def _raise_not_allowed_node(self, node): raise InvalidExpression("'%s' definition not allowed in python expressions" % node.__class__.__name__)