Source code for exporters.readers.random_reader

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Random items generator, just for testing purposes
from exporters.readers.base_reader import BaseReader
import random
import six
from exporters.records.base_record import BaseRecord

[docs]class RandomReader(BaseReader): """ It is just a reader with testing purposes. It generates random data in a quantity that is set in its config section. - number_of_items (int) Number of total items that must be returned by the reader before finishing. - batch_size (int) Number of items to be returned in each batch. """ supported_options = { 'number_of_items': {'type': six.integer_types, 'default': 1000}, 'batch_size': {'type': six.integer_types, 'default': 100} } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RandomReader, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.last_read = self.last_position.get('last_read', -1)'RandomReader has been initiated') self.country_codes = [u'es', u'uk', u'us'] self.states = [u'valéncia', u'madrid', u'barcelona'] self.cities = [ {'name': u'alicante', 'district': u'dist1'}, {'name': u'alicante', 'district': u'dist2'}, {'name': u'alicante', 'district': u'dist3'}, {'name': u'lléida', 'district': u'dist1'}, {'name': u'somecity', 'district': u'dist1'}] self.batch_size = self.read_option('batch_size')
[docs] def get_next_batch(self): """ This method is called from the manager. It must return a list or a generator of BaseRecord objects. When it has nothing else to read, it must set class variable "finished" to True. """ number_of_items = self.read_option('number_of_items') for i in range(0, self.batch_size): to_read = self.last_read + 1 if to_read >= number_of_items: self.finished = True break else: item = BaseRecord() self.last_read = to_read item['key'] = self.last_read item['country_code'] = random.choice(self.country_codes) item['state'] = random.choice(self.states) item['city'] = random.choice(self.cities) item['value'] = random.randint(0, 10000) self.increase_read() self.last_position['last_read'] = self.last_read yield item self.logger.debug('Done reading batch')
[docs] def set_last_position(self, last_position): """ Called from the manager, it is in charge of updating the last position of data commited by the writer, in order to have resume support """ self.last_position = last_position if last_position is not None and last_position.get('last_read') is not None: self.last_read = last_position['last_read'] else: self.last_read = -1 self.last_position = { 'last_read': self.last_read }